Columbus Fort Benning GA Newborn Photgrapher Jill Welch Baby Ansley

Oh those big eyes!  Baby Ansleigh wanted to fully participate in her newborn session- sleep could wait!  She was lively and curious,  and made herself comfortable on the Princess Canopy Bed, even though we had to take a few breaks to warm up.   Ansleigh is Mom and Dad’s first baby and if Facebook “likes” are any indication, she is very much loved and cherished by a lot of folks.  Expecting soon?  All newborn sessions held in January are $50 off – it’s that time of the year to experiment and try new ideas and we need lots of models.  Click here for more information on our Tiny Pix Program for Baby’s First Year.  Click here to see lots of babies that we’ve photographed and begin planning your own session.  Newborns are photographed in our very comfortable North Columbus studio with a separate nursing/family area for your comfort and privacy.  Home sessions are also available.

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